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Little Luthers
Little Luthers offers fun and fellowship in a Christian environment for grade school age children in the congregation as well as their friends. A variety of activities are planned with parents participating as helpers and planners. Some of our activities include miniature golf, Halloween party, hayride, Christmas caroling, and game night. The Little Luthers went to Winterfest '02 at Lutherdale and won 6 awards.

Luther League is a program of fellowship and faith development for high school students that meets after the second service for Bible study and twice a month on Sunday evenings. The youth usually do one major mission trip in the summer as well as fun outings during the year, such as ski/snowboarding, a farm “maze”, movies and bowling. They also participate in service projects and fund-raising activities throughout the year. In July 2006, our youth attended the national ELCA Youth Gathering in San Antonio, Texas.

2006 ELCA Youth Gathering