Lenten and Holy Week Schedule
Wednesdays, February 28 - March 28
6:30 PM: Soup Supper
Soup Supper Hosts are: |
Feb. 28 - Anderson Small Group
Mar. 7 - Baker Small Group
Mar. 14 - Luther League Youth Group
Mar. 21 - Stephen Ministers
Mar. 28 - Untch Bunch Small Group |
7:30 PM: Worship
Based on "The Transforming Power of Prayer," the
Wednesday themes are:
Feb. 28: "Trust in the Lord" Matthey
Mar. 7 - "Turning Inward" Psalm 139:1-6
Mar. 14 - "Rock- Bottom Reality" Psalm
Mar. 21 - "Severing Precious Roots" Luke
Mar. 28 - "The Golden Triangle" Jeremiah
Palm Sunday, April 1: Procession of Palms,
8:30 and 10:30 AM
Maundy Thursday, April 5: Living Last Supper,
7:30 PM
Good Friday, April 6: Tenebrae Service, 7:30
Easter Sunday, April 8
Festival of the Resurrection: 8:30 and 10:30 AM