St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Confessing Jesus Christ, we commit ourselves to grow spiritually, love unconditionally, serve faithfully, and reach out to all in His name. |
The Main Issue
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church teaches the following key points that comprise the Christian faith. As they say, we have some Bad News and we have some Good News.
Bad news - all people have violated God’s laws. God is a perfectly fair God and must pronounce the sentence of guilt on each one of us. The punishment for breaking God’s Law (any part of it) is eternal separation from God and everything that is good (traditionally called Hell). There is no way a human can make up for even the smallest violation of God’s laws.
The Good News begins - God loves human beings - all of them - despite their opposition to Him and their frequent breaking of His laws.
More Good News - God, being perfect, can make up for our failures.
Still more Good News - God did make up for our failures, in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ - both true God and true human (except that He was perfect) lived a perfect life, never once breaking God’s laws. Because He is God, infinitely perfect, His one perfect life makes up for all of the failures of every human. Jesus, after living that perfect life, willingly let himself be crucified and abandoned by God and the punishment due to all of us was taken out on Him.
The Good News continues - By raising Jesus from the dead on the first Easter, God declared that Jesus’ death as our substitute is acceptable! Therefore, all of Jesus perfection can be ours because all of our failures were laid on Him on the cross.
The News gets even Better! - God does not demand anything of us as payment before we receive the benefits of Jesus’s substitution for us in our punishment. What are those benefits? We are no longer under a sentence of guilt and doom - we know we will not spend eternity cut of from God and everything good. In fact, we can know we will spend eternity with Him enjoying good things beyond our imagination, including true peace and joy (traditionally called heaven). Other benefits include God’s Holy Spirit offering guidance through the remainder of your earthly life.
God, in Jesus, did it for us because He loves us! Believe it and live! It’s true! You can not possibly be bad enough to be beyond the reach of God’s love and forgiveness. |
Other Issues
St. Peter’s is a member of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). As such, we believe that the Lutheran confessional writings correctly express and explain the words of Scripture. For further information on the LCMS, click here to go to the LCMS home page. They have a good, deep web site. Looking at their “site map” may be helpful in navigating the LCMS website.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. It’s not just about God, but we believe each word of the Bible has been authored by God, using the pens of various writers. It is through the Bible (and the Bible alone) that we learn the bad and good news described above. It is also through the Bible (and the Bible alone) that we learn God’s will for our lives as His people.
We believe that God created the entire Universe (and anything else out there) in six, twenty-four-hour days, solely by the power of His saying “Let it be so.” We reject evolution as a vain and foolish attempt to explain the Universe without God. Evolution is no more science than is creation - evolution is merely a religion without God. |
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