"...His kindness did not waver..."

1894. Jacob S. Coxey led march on Washington of 500 unemployed Midwesterners who demanded unemployment relief. Federal troops were called out to stop Pullman strike rioting in Chicago. Trains ran under military guard. Marconi invented wireless telegraphy. Labor Day became an official U. S. holiday. A referendum to annex Evanston to Chicago was defeated 2055 to 642. The two bronze lions were installed at the main entrance of the Art Institute of Chicago. Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Evanston was founded. August Reinke delivered the first sermon to the deaf in the Synod. To save Bethlehem money, twelve men volunteered to pump the organ one month each for this year. An offering was lifted to help the congregation at Grand Crossing with the building of their church.

1895. Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays. Oscar Wilde's play, The Importance of Being Earnest, was performed and Wilde was arrested. Chicago Congress Street elevated line opened and Douglas Street line opened to 18th Street. First Church of Christ, Scientist chartered in Evanston. At Bethlehem, an offering was taken for Concordia Church in Chicago, which was in great financial difficulty.

1896. Underwood model allowed typists to see what they were typing. X-ray photography was invented. Rural free delivery (RFD) inaugurated. First modern Olympic games were held in Athens. Five Nobel prizes were established. Klondike gold rush began. The United Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church was formed by merger of the Danish Association and the Danish North Church; in 1946 it dropped "Danish" from the name. At Bethlehem, January and February special voters meetings were held in which Pastor Matthius delivered a paper on the lodge. At the March voters meeting an offering of $16.35 was lifted for a needy family. To further congregational singing a resolution was passed to have a general Singstunde (Song Hour) every two weeks.

1897. William McKinley became President. Spain provided for more local rule in Puerto Rico, leading to a new Puerto Rican government. Chicago Loop elevated opened October 12. The electric appliance business began and the Chicago Electric Manufacturing Co. made juicers, mixers and ice-cream makers under the name "Handyhot," until 1953 when it was bought by Silex and became part of Procter-Silex. Our Synod celebrated its 50th anniversary in May. In Evanston, St. John's United Church of Christ was organized. The 25th anniversary celebration at Bethlehem was held on the 21st of November. The festival services were conducted by Rev. A. Reinke, Rev. Feiertag and Rev. Succop. The list of voting members showed 102 names.

1898. U. S. battleship Maine blown up in Havanna Harbor and war was declared on Spain (Spanish-American War). Pierre and Marie Curie discovered radium and polonium. The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran National Church was organized; it merged into the Missouri Synod in 1963. At Bethlehem, clothing was gathered for a poor Lutheran congregation in New Orleans.

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